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Our Safety Measures Against Coronavirus

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Here at Vision 51, we are following all guidelines and taking extra safety measures and precautions against the Coronavirus. We understand the risks and consequences and so are doing our very best to look after all staff and visitors and reduce risk of the virus spreading amongst those in our office. The safety of everyone in our office and that may be visiting is of paramount importance to us, and we aim to contain and delay the spread.

Here’s what we are doing to help…

Following official advice and health and safety guidelines, we are making sure that we maintain a duty of care towards all those on our premises and any clients that may be visiting us. Here are a few of the things we are doing to help contain and minimise the risk of Coronavirus spreading at our workplace…

Self isolating when necessary

We are taking government advice very seriously, and any member of staff that develops any of the symptoms, or that has been in contact with someone that is sick, or has recently visited a high risk area, are being told to self isolate and stay at home. They must follow government guidelines for the period of time instructed to self isolate, and will only return when they are fully clear and it is safe to do so. We also ask that any clients visiting us take this into consideration.

Containing coughs and sneezes

Following basic hygiene precautions as the government has advised, any coughs and sneezes should be done into a tissue, which should then be disposed of. It is also advised to cough into your elbow rather than your hands, so that we aren’t touching surfaces and spreading the virus.

Washing hands regularly

As the government has advised, we are ensuring that everyone in our office is washing their hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Furthermore, we also have hand sanitiser to use in intervals between washing hands, and each time somebody new enters the office, there is soap and hand sanitiser for them to clean their hands immediately.

Increased cleaning

As well as regularly keeping our hands clean, we are also regularly wiping down surfaces with anti-bacterial wipes to get rid of germs and keep the whole office as clean as possible. This includes desks, handles, computers and any equipment that is well-used.

Digital meetings

Where necessary, our staff will work from home and meetings will be held over the phone or on Skype rather than face to face. This prevents people from coming into contact with each other and spreading the virus.

As a business, we will continue to monitor and closely follow government guidelines. At the moment, we are complying with all healthy and safety measures and making our best efforts to keep everyone that comes to our office safe, and minimising the risk of catching or spreading the Coronavirus. Any advised changes will be implemented.

If you have any questions regarding the service we offer you then please don’t hesitate to contact us on: 01925 555 858 or email one of the team on

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